Joyous Catholics of Filipino descent filled the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, Metuchen, Dec. 23 for the final night of Simbang Gabi, a pre-Christmas novena of Masses to honor the Christ Child through prayer, song and tradition.
Catholics of the Diocese of Metuchen gathered in the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi Dec. 28 were united in joy with brethren from around the world as they declared they were “Pilgrims of Hope” at the start of the 2025 Jubilee Year.
When you care enough to send the very best, God-centered charitable works can reach through prison bars to touch the souls of those who live therein. This year, two Hunterdon County parishes teamed up with their Knights of Columbus council to show imprisoned men that they were not forgotten with the donation of more than 2,700 religious and secular Christmas cards intended for use by the inmates of East Jersey State Prison, Rahway.
“The Holy Father can open up the door for graces to flow for a special reason,” Father Timothy A. Christy assured those seated before him inside the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi. “It is not magic, it is faith.”
With a reverent blend of tears, laughter, prayer and patriotism, St. Thomas Aquinas High School celebrated the memory of one of its graduates who had accomplished much in his short, faith-filled life. The Edison Catholic school hosted a Nov. 13 prayer service and dedicated the Anthony Raspa Alumni Lounge, named for the Class of 2008 alumnus and New Jersey State Trooper who died in the line of duty in 2015.