National Catholic Schools Week is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Now entering its 50th anniversary year, CSW has traditionally been held the last week in January. This year, Jan. 28 to Feb. 3, schools will observe the week with Masses, assemblies and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members to celebrate what makes Catholic schools great. The Catholic Spirit will feature CSW celebrations in the February issue.
The Mount Saint Mary Academy Social Studies Department and the Loantaka-Parsippanong Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Chapter are pleased to honor Zoe Schack of Westfield, for the DAR Good Citizens Award, which honors an outstanding senior who demonstrates qualities of a good citizen.
On Dec. 20, Bishop James F. Checchio, members of the diocesan Office of Catholic Schools and members of the Board of Trustees of Hope Through Education USA visited Perth Amboy Catholic School. The guests were welcomed in the school gym by faculty members and student ambassadors. Stockings decorated by every school family created a festive backdrop. A delicious brunch, which included treats made by members of the school community, was blessed by the Bishop.
It was a day that brought the Christmas virtues of joy, love, and giving to life. On Dec. 15, students and faculty of St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Edison, gathered with joy and excitement, as it was once again time to be with this year’s Aquinas Stars, Jack Heilich and Domenic Horbacz.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B). As we move further into this liturgical year with our eyes particularly focused on St. Mark’s Gospel, we begin to sense the themes that will be important for Mark’s particular brand of storytelling. Our Gospel this Sunday provides important information about the unique power and authority with which Jesus proclaimed his teaching.
The 2024 Choices Matter: A Critical Life Issues Conference, will be held March 16 in the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center, Piscataway. The conference is sponsored by the diocesan Office of Human Life and Dignity.
The National Catholic Youth Conference held Nov 16 – Nov 18 at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, gathered people from across America for a life-changing encounter with Christ. It was a three-day experience of prayer, community, evangelization, catechesis, service, and empowerment for Catholic teenagers (of high school age) and their adult chaperones.
With January designated as Mental Wellness Month, it is an appropriate time to set goals for mental health awareness among families, friends and communities. It is also a good time to tap into the on-going United States Conference of Catholic’s Bishop’s National Catholic Mental Health Campaign which began in October 2023.